Do you want to know more about our customer service department?
Here at Airsys, giving great customer service is important to us! That's why we've got a fantastic team who represent us as a company that is committed to building close relationships with our customers and delivering exeptional service.  

What does it mean to be a part of the Customer Services team at Airsys? 


pexels-yan-krukov-8867434-(1).jpgWhat would you say to someone interested in a role in the customer services team at Airsys?

'I would say apply! I have worked here for over a year now and I love it, the role of customer service here is great because it's business to business rather than business to consumer, which means we deal with the same customers everyday who are really friendly and it's nice to be able to build up a rapport. It's also great to work in an environment where you feel supported at all times, Airsys is a company that cares about its employees and encourages progression in the role.' -Customer Service Team Member 


What do you enjoy most about working in the customer services department at Airsys?

'It's a tight-knit team and we all have our individual responsibilities but we help and support each other when needed. Working in customer services at Airsys offers a great balance between hard work and fun, and there's always a great atmosphere in the office!'- Customer Service Team Member 


tactical.jpgIs it rewarding working in customer services at Airsys? 

'It is definetly rewarding- it's hard work- but we get such a rewarding feeling towards the end of the day when all the orders are processed. Airsys encourages progression and provides training as you gain experience in the role so you are constantly learning and have something to work towards, which makes it rewarding too.' -Customer Service Team Member 



 marine.jpgWhat does it mean to be a part of the customer services team at Airsys? 

  • 'We are the first to pick up the phone to assist customers, so being part of the customer service team means representing a company that is committed to building close relationships with our customers, supporting them and their buisnesses, delivering 
    exceptional service.' -Customer Service Team Member 


aviation.jpg What kind of person do you have to be to work in the customer services department at Airsys?

'I think it is important that you are a people person, as it involves a lot of interaction with colleagues and customers daily. I think it helps if you are a naturally outgoing person but I don't think it's essential as your confidence grows really quickly in the role. A good work ethic is valued as the role is quite fast paced particularly at busy times.' -Customer Service Team Member 



 Do you want to be a part of our Customer Services Department?


Meet the teampexels-alexander-suhorucov-6457544-(2).jpg

Working in customer services at Airsys means being part of a team dedicated to growing our business through great customer relationships, being part of a team that really matters. 

'We are a forward thinking organisation which strives for excellence in all areas.' Zoe Hastings-Hindle, Sales and Marketing Director for Airsys UK&I
Life at Airsys 


swatcom-home-banner-01.jpgCustomer Service 

Are you interested in joining the customer service team here at Airsys?

If you cannot see any vacancies that meet your requirements, click here to register for job alerts. 

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